Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Green-Neck: noun, eng. orig. - A Green-Neck is someone who embraces life in the wilderness, and enjoys interests associated with rednecks such as shootin' guns, four-wheel drive vehicles, country music, coon-dogs, etc. However, a Green-Neck is also environmentally conscious, and embraces recycling, organic eating, and supporting animal rights.

Example of the differance between a redneck and a Green-neck:

Upon seeing a freshly killed deer on the side of the road, a redneck  would check to see if s/he could take it home and cook it up.

A Green-Neck would also approach the deer, but would check to see if it could be ressusitated, and if necessary, would then give it mouth to mouth.
 (Yes I almost made Kevin do this the other day when we saw a deer get hit, but lucky for him, the poor thing was already dead)

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