Friday, March 23, 2012

Best Banana Bread EVER (cream -cheese lovers must look!)

The other day my dad gifted me with a bunch of brown bananas, and I could not have been more delighted. I love baking, and made the mistake of bringing a few of my creations to work to share with my dad. Now, I can't walk in the door without hearing,

"What did you bring today?"

I've created a monster! 

I knew the gift was really a hint that he wanted banana bread, so I looked for the best recipe I could find. I thought cream-cheese would be a delicious addition, and luckily there was a recipe that incorporated this delicacy. (I'm obsessed)

You can find the recipe, here, at

I did make a few changes, listed below:

1.) No nuts...instead of putting crushed nuts on top, which I am not a huge fan of, I sprinkled on brown sugar and cinnamon

2.) Replace half of the butter with 1/4 cup of yogurt. I used Stonyfield's organic french vanilla, which not only cut calories, but added a tad of vanilla flavor. (Use banana yogurt for more banana flavor!)

3.) Replace about 1/4 c of white sugar with brown sugar. I just prefer the taste of brown sugar, so I decided to do this. I'd really like to replace all the sugar with honey, but I didn't have enough, and didn't feel like running to the store at 11:30 at night, when the baking urge hit.

I made two loaves, one for Kevin and me, and one for my parents, and I don't think either lasted 30 minutes. I've always had trouble keeping banana bread moist, since I don't like to cook with oils or shortening. The cream cheese was the perfect ingredient, and the result was  moist, not too sweet, and absolutely delicious. 

Hope y'all try it!

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